Welcome to University Meetings

The ultimate platform for connecting University students to other students and for connecting Academics to other Academics, around the world.


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UniversityMeetings is building the greatest global university network ever!

UniversityMeetings is the ultimate platform specifically designed for networking both Students and Academics separately.

It allows Students to connect to other Students based on their academic and subject preferences and to exchange ideas and assist each other with information about their studies, academic life, and interests.

It allows Academics to connect to other Academics quickly, based on their academic subject of lecture or shared interest and to network with each other privately or publicly with information about their subjects, academic life, conferences and interests.

Our Blog

These Blogs allow all registered users to communicate with other users quickly and easily. You must register to the website to access the Blogs.

You can post and search for information by:

  • Your Subject blog: Visible only to subscribers of the same subject. You must subscribe to a subject (in your account page) to post in the Subject Blog.
  • Your Network Blog: Visible only to your network/connections (see your Network page).
  • Public Blog: Visible to everyone.
  • Personal messaging: One to one private messages.

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Universities on UniversityMeetings.com

United States of America (Oregon)